lauantai 19. marraskuuta 2011

My place

I'm finally starting to get my apartment ready.  Here's two pictures of small details ;)

sunnuntai 13. marraskuuta 2011

Longing somewhere

I wonder whether it's the darkness outside and the cold wind blowing from the sea or the fact that I haven't been to my dear island in a long time that's making my soul feel gloomy and sentimental.
Probably it's the darkness that causes what we call the ''autumn depression''. I forgot how it felt, since I decided to skip the depression last winter and spend it in a warmer and more sunny place.

A few hours ago I was watching photos from my time at the island and I could feel my heart starting to pound when I quickly made the decision in my head to move back to the island. Then when the thought passed as fast as it came, I fell back on earth and realized that I'm at the beginning of my studies, and that it's impossible for me to move anywhere right now.

I guess I don't have any other choice to make my every-day-life easier than to wrap myself up in a cozy blanket, drink a hot cup of coffee and eat plenty of chocolate and put some candles on and watch my favorite series in the TV.

lauantai 5. marraskuuta 2011


There has been a lot of thoughts going through my mind in the past week or so.
What came to mind today was the word restoration. I think it's important that we restore the things that has gone somehow wrong in our lives, whether it is a broken relationship or a bad-gone decoration of the home. We need to fix the things we can and accept the things we can't change.

I borrowed the picture from this site: