lauantai 25. helmikuuta 2012

Only in Kokkola

Now when I'm living somewhere else, I fully notice how weird my little hometown is:

Today in the city center there was the Ice-sculpture contest, and alongside this event a restaurant had opened it's doors and started karaoke. Even though there was almost a snow storm outside and 5 degrees below zero, people were truly dancing with devotion to the karaoke music outside on the patio. When I passed the crowd I thought to myself that this can only happen in Kokkola.

Then I went to Gigantti to buy some electronics and noticed a sign nearby their entrance. It said Sveriges konsulat. In English: consulate of Sweden. So apparently Sweden has it's consulate in Kokkola upstairs of an electronic-device store and the building looks like this:

You can even see the sign of the consulate in the picture next to the stairs, under the middle window.

torstai 23. helmikuuta 2012

Brain Teaser

Here's a challenge to everyone:

In English: ''Kindergarten children solve this problem in 5-10 min, programmers in on hour and people with higher education... Well, try yourself!

I guess I can count myself to those with higher education when it took me about 15 min with tons of clues! otherwise I would probably still be trying to figure this one out.

tiistai 21. helmikuuta 2012


Today it was Laskiaistiistai or Fastlagstisdag in Swedish.
A lot of things happened;
There was this traditional sleigh ride - competition between colleges in Turku. Unfortunately we didn't win, but I'm sure it's only because of those chemists who can make some kind of a chemical reaction in the sleigh so that the sleigh looks cool and goes faster.. So unfair... ;)
We (theologists) went from the competition to an after party, and from there to an other after party, and from there to play pool, and from there to an other after party. So right now I'm exhausted!
So as you can tell, it was a really fun day. Pictures will follow. Promise.

sunnuntai 19. helmikuuta 2012

Studying Theology

There has been a lot of these pictures going around on Facebook that shows different prejudices or stereotypes of different professions or hobbies and when I stumbled upon this one I just had to share it. 
So funny and quite accurate :)

Only thing I disagree on is the future part. I think this would suit better on the last frame:

perjantai 17. helmikuuta 2012

''The Room''

Today I came across this movie and I'll definitely put it on my ''movies I have to see -list'' :) ENJOY!!

tiistai 14. helmikuuta 2012

Valentine's Day

''To love another person is to see the face of God''
-Les Miserables

Happy Valentine's Day!

maanantai 6. helmikuuta 2012


I made this cake when I was on Christmas holiday at home: The topping is whipped cream with Baileys and vanilla essence and the cake is made of meringue :) Real easy and yummy!

perjantai 3. helmikuuta 2012

Les Mis and more

A lot of things have happened since I the last post.

I went today to see the musical  Les Miserables @ Åbo Svenska Teater with a friend. I must say that I'm absolutely speechless. I haven't seen a play or a musical this good in a long long time, if ever! I understand now where all the praises come from. I would so like to go and watch the play once more, but unfortunately almost all of the remaining shows are sold out. So I just have to settle for the Les Mis Playlist I made with spotify.

Another thing that happened today; I got a invitation (yes, on the e-mail it said it's an invitation) to a summer- job interview with Viking Line. Keep your thumbs up that it'll go well!